

Division Overview

The Judicial Division (Formely Judicial Section) was established by resolution in 1973 at the 3rd LAWASIA Biennial Conference in Jakarta, with the aim of: 

  • promoting the administration of justice and the specific purposes of examining the role and function of the judiciary in member countries;
  • assessing the contributions which the judiciary is and should be making to the development of society;
  • discussing questions relating to the administration and independence of the judiciary; and
  • circulating, examining and discussing comparative material on these above subjects and on conditions of judicial services among the members of the section.

Eligibility Requirements

Membership of the LAWASIA Judicial Division is restricted to members of the judiciary only.

Division Leaders

Chair, Judicial Division | LAWASIA

The Hon Chief Justice A S Bell
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Law Courts Building, Queen's Square
Sydney NSW 2000

T: +61 2 9230 8218

Secretary, Judicial Division | LAWASIA

The Hon Justice Julie Ward
Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of New South Wales
GPO Box 3
Sydney NSW 2001

Coordinating Committee

His Honour Judge Howard
Family Court of Australia
E: judicial.chair@lawasia.asn.au

Dato Mah Weng Kwai
E: judicial.chair@lawasia.asn.au