Stay up to date with the latest events, promotions and advocacy activities from LAWASIA and our Member Organisations across the Asia Pacific Region and beyond.

About us
LAWASIA is a regional association of lawyers, judges, jurists and legal organisations, which advocates for the interests and concerns of the Asia Pacific legal profession.

Conferences and Events
Register today for our upcoming events! Have you missed a LAWASIA webinar? Watch the recordings now!

Join or Renew your Membership
We are proud to represent a constituency of individual lawyers and peak legal organisations drawn from over 40 jurisdictions.

LAWASIA Committees
LAWASIA's Committees have a new look! Explore and join our Committees to play a critical role in the shaping of LAWASIA's activities!

President & Executive Committee Activities
Learn more about the latest activities of our President and Executive Committee members.

Advocacy Documents
A record of LAWASIA statements, declarations, media releases and more.

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