Constitutional & Rule of Law
Seminar 2023
Thursday 23 November 2023
The Basic Structure Doctrine in Constitutional Law: Origins and Application
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the landmark case of Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, where the Supreme Court of India recognised the doctrine of the "Basic Structure" of the Constitution and decided that a constitutional amendment could be invalidated if it was inconsistent with the essential features - the Basic Structure - of the Constitution.
This seminar will be a discourse on the origins and evolvement of the Basic Structure doctrine, a reflection on how the doctrine has been adopted and applied in India and in other jurisdictions with written constitutions, and the existence of other theories to limit the unrestrained power to amend the Constitution.
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Event Details
All registered attendees of the 36th LAWASIA Conference 2023 in Bengaluru will benefit from a COMPLIMENTARY access to the Constitutional & Rule of Law Seminar: The Basic Structure Doctrine in Constitutional Law: Origins and Application.
Organised by the LAWASIA Constitutional & Rule of Law Committee and supported by The German Federal Bar (BRAK)
Seminar Programme
15:00 - 17:00: Opening Remarks
Sessions1. The Origins & Evolvement of the Basic Structure Doctrine (BSD)
2. The BSD: Fifty Years On:
3. Adoption & Application of the BSD :
4. Mr Md Imam Hossain, Bar-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, UK; Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh; Head of Chamber, IDCLA, BANGLADESH 5. Alternative Theories of a Limitation to an Unrestrained Amendment of the Constitution:
6. Questions and Answers Moderated by Dato' Dr Cyrus Das, LAWASIA Constitutional & Rule of Law Committee | MALAYSIA Closing Remarks
17:00 - 18:00: Networking Reception:Hosted by LexisNexis