Risk Management & Professional Indemnity Insurance Conference 2017
The LAWASIA Risk Management & PII Conference is designed to equip delegates with insight and knowledge into complex and multi-dimensional issues arising from risk management for legal professionals.
It will examine current aspects of the inter-relationships between risk management and the professional indemnity insurance schemes that are in place to protect lawyers and their law firms.
The program will offer examinations of the relationship between professional regulation and insurance, best practice, cross border operating risks, the impact of global economic effects and of changes wrought by a growing internationalisation of legal practice, among other areas.
This internationally-focused conference, now in its fourth biennial reprise, provides a unique opportunity to consider the evolving frontiers of risk management and PII. It will offer an informative forum for discussion that is current and highly relevant to all legal practices, legal professional associations, those with a specific practice in PII and the insurance industry, alike.
Papers &
Restricted access: Available to conference delegates only (password required).
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